What Everyone Ought To Know About Slow Cooker

Lakeland Brushed Chrome Family Slow Cooker Review -- A

Simple Joy Gadget Reviewer Product Reviews
For what the Lakeland Brushed Chrome Family Slow Cooker can do, it can
There are no fancy controllers, no extra features, and this is
Definitely not your all-in-one kind of kitchen appliance. There is just a single
Knob that will allow you to select among three heat levels, them being low,
High, or auto. There is also a little red light located at the front and just above
The knob that will inform you that the device is turned on. It is a barebones slow
Cooker that you can enjoy with its simplicity.
Lakeland Brushed Chrome Family Slow Cooker Review - A Simple

degrees Celsius. The pot is a bit on the heavy side, Meaning you
Need to pull quite a lot of muscle to lug it around.
To be pulled when food is inside it. However, this also means that this
Particular kitchen appliance is solidly built and can retain heat pretty well.
The pot, in addition to the glass lid are equally dishwasher-friendly also.
Exactly like its feature set, the Lakeland Family Slow Cooker Is Extremely discreet
looking. It is of the brushed-chrome oval-shaped variety that is broad but
shallow. Due to the rotary dial located at the front of the unit, it is almost
This is four times
The average weight of a metal slow cooker pot. It does make you want to

Inside), but this also means that the pot is over-safe (for up to 150-degrees
This is a 3.5-liter cooker which has a working capacity of 2.5-liters. Why the
Additional 1-liter in capacity?

Because of its simple and utterly simplistic layout, then there is no
Need to go through the instruction manual. Just fill the pot with your
Desired ingredients, with the desired amount, close the lid, and select your
The end result is that the Lakeland Brushed Chrome Family Slow Cooker
Will cook your food perfectly well. For example, using the low setting to
Cook honey and raisin granola will let it come out with even consistency. If
You're looking for a pot that does not have the smart features and is still
Found at a fairly reasonable price point, look no further because this is it.


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